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Strengthening Development Capacities of Regional Coordinating Councils and Municipal Assemblies in the Northern Zone under the Ghana Secondary Cities Support Program.


The 4th Annual Performance Assessment under the Ghana Secondary Cities Support Program convened stakeholders from the Northern Zone, encompassing the Northern, Savannah, North East, Upper East, Upper West, Bono East, Bono, and Ahafo Regions. The focus of day two centered on enhancing participants' capacities in financial feasibility studies and leveraging the District Data Development Platform (DDDP) for data-driven decision-making and sustainable development planning.


Capacity Building in Financial Feasibility Studies:

Participants engaged in rigorous training sessions aimed at bolstering their understanding of financial feasibility studies. The objective was to empower them with the necessary tools and knowledge to positively impact development planning strategies within their respective regions. Through comprehensive learning modules and interactive discussions, stakeholders gained valuable insights into assessing project viability, resource allocation, and financial sustainability, laying a robust foundation for informed decision-making.


Harnessing the District Data Development Platform (DDDP):

A pivotal aspect of the program was the introduction and training on the District Data Development Platform (DDDP). This cutting-edge application equips Municipal Assemblies (MAs) and Regional Coordinating Councils (RCCs) with advanced reporting capabilities, promoting data-driven decision-making at the local level. Participants were guided through the nuances of the DDDP, learning how to harness its features for efficient data collection, analysis, and reporting. The platform's integration into development planning processes is poised to revolutionize governance practices, ensuring evidence-based interventions and fostering sustainable growth.


Encouraging Utilization and Implementation:

Project implementation MAs were strongly encouraged to embrace the DDDP as a cornerstone for reporting and data utilization. Emphasizing its role in enhancing data collection accuracy and promoting transparency, stakeholders were urged to leverage the platform's capabilities for streamlined development planning. The proactive adoption of the DDDP is expected to enhance collaboration, facilitate resource optimization, and ultimately drive impactful development outcomes across the Northern Zone.



The concerted efforts to build capacities in financial feasibility studies and promote the utilization of the District Data Development Platform signify a significant stride towards fostering sustainable development in Ghana's Northern Zone. As stakeholders continue to harness these newfound tools and knowledge, the region is poised to witness transformative progress, grounded in data-driven decision-making and effective development planning. This collaborative approach underscores a commitment to inclusive growth and empowers communities to thrive in a dynamic and evolving landscape.


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