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Local Government Ministry Introduces Road Safety Improvement Measures at 6 Intersections in Accra

In a significant move to enhance urban road safety, the Ministry of Local Government, Decentralisation and Rural Development has announced the introduction of safety improvement measures at six critical intersections in the Greater Accra Metropolitan Area (GAMA). The announcement was made by Hon. Martin Adjei-Mensah Korsah (MP), Minister for Local Government, Decentralisation and Rural Development, during the close-out event of the Ghana Urban Mobility and Accessibility Project (GUMAP) held at the Alisa Hotel on July 2, 2024.


In his keynote address, Hon. Korsah emphasized the Ministry's commitment to tackling the pressing issues of urban mobility and road safety. He highlighted the significant urbanization and population growth in GAMA, which has increased pressure on transportation infrastructure and services, leading to congestion, air pollution, and inefficiencies in public transport.


"The introduction of road safety improvement measures at these six critical junctions is a strategic initiative aimed at reducing accidents, enhancing traffic flow, and ensuring the safety of all road users. These improvements are part of our broader efforts under the GUMAP to create a more efficient and safer urban transportation system," Hon. Korsah stated.


The Minister outlined that the safety measures would include enhanced traffic signals, pedestrian crossings, road markings, and other infrastructure upgrades designed to improve visibility and safety for both motorists and pedestrians. These interventions are based on extensive data and insights gathered through the GUMAP, which has been instrumental in mapping public transport routes, passenger flows, and identifying key safety concerns.


Funded by a $6 million grant from the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), the GUMAP has achieved significant milestones, including household travel surveys and the introduction of new urban mobility courses at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST). These foundational steps have provided the necessary groundwork for targeted interventions and future investments in urban mobility.


Hon. Korsah also acknowledged that while the GUMAP has made notable progress, it has not fully resolved all urban mobility and accessibility challenges in GAMA. However, he emphasized that the project's findings provide a crucial baseline for future efforts and highlighted the importance of continued collaboration among all stakeholders.


"Addressing urban mobility and road safety issues requires a collective approach. We need the active participation of other ministries, departments, agencies, development partners, the private sector, and citizens. Together, we can create a resilient, livable, and sustainable urban environment for all," Hon. Korsah affirmed.


Dr. Evans Aggrey Darkoh, Chairman for the occasion, underscored the need for sustained efforts in addressing urban mobility challenges. "The success of these initiatives hinges on our commitment to continuous improvement and stakeholder engagement. It's not just about implementing measures, but also about monitoring their effectiveness and making necessary adjustments," he remarked.


Adding to the discussion, Hon. Abdulai Abanga, Deputy Minister for Local Government, Decentralisation and Rural Development, highlighted the importance of community involvement. "For these safety measures to be effective, we must engage with local communities, raise awareness about road safety, and ensure that the public understands and supports these initiatives. Their cooperation is crucial for the success of our efforts," he said.


The Forum served as a platform to share the achievements and lessons learned from GUMAP, fostering synergies and enhancing partnerships towards improving urban mobility and road safety in Ghana. The Minister's announcement of the new safety measures marks a critical step in the Ministry's ongoing efforts to create safer and more efficient urban transport systems in Accra.


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