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Births and Deaths Registry initiates mobile mass registration exercise

The Births and Deaths Registry (BDR) has initiated a Mobile Mass Registration (MMR) Exercise in Accra as part of the process to attain universal vital registration to aid government plan and develop socio-economic programmes with the use of a reliable and credible data.

Also, steps are being taken to integrate the registration system with related government agencies such as the National Identification Authority (NIA) and National Health Insurance Authority (NHIA) to improve upon administrative data gathering to ensured that every child born in the country is registered and given an identification number.

This is in accordance with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of a Child, which gives every child the right to be legally registered and legitimately documented by government in consistent with the Sustainable Development Goal Nine (9).  This makes any child who is unregistered to stand the risk of being unable to access social intervention programmes.

These were contained in a speech delivered by the Honourable Minister for Local Government, Decentralisation and Rural Development, Mr. Daniel Botwe at the launch of the Mobile Mass Registration (MMR) Exercise.

This exercise contributes to the attainment of universal vital registration in Ghana. Through public education and sensitization on the need and importance of Civil Registration and Vital Statistics.

Public awareness understanding of births and deaths registrations is essential to government’s planning and development of socio-economic programmes.

The occasion was used to distribute two thousand, four hundred and fifty (2,450) mobile tablets and eighty (8) vehicles to the BDR regional offices across the country.


Source: MLGDRD Public Relations Unit


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