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Dormaa Central MCE confirmed

The 44-member Dormaa Central Municipal Assembly on thursday endorsed Mr Drissa Quattara, the President’s Nominee as the Municipal Chief Executive (MCE).

Mr Quattara, who was re-nominated by President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, secured 100 per cent votes, as all the Assembly Members voted in his favour, in an election organised and supervised by the Electoral Commission.
The election, which was scheduled last week at Dormaa-Ahenkro, the Municipal capital of the Bono Region, was however, suspended based on security reasons.
Madam Justina Owusu-Banahene, the Bono Regional Minister commended the Assembly members for the endorsement and asked the MCE to collaborate with them and stakeholders to facilitate the development of the Municipality.
So far, all the 12 Municipal and District Assemblies in the region have confirmed the President’s Nominees.


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