Urbanus Emergency Executive Order

Assembly confirms Binduri DCE nominee

Mr. Ayinga Abagre Yakubu, the President’s nominee for Binduri District has been confirmed as District Chief Executive (DCE) by assembly members of the area.

He polled 14 “Yes” votes out of the 17 total votes cast representing 76.50 %. Following his massive confirmation, the DCE took the Oath of Secrecy and Oath of Office, pledging to “work hand-in-hand with the Assembly members, traditional authorities and residents to quicken the pace of growth and development of the area”.

Mr. Abagre Yakubu then asked for the cooperation of all and sundry to realize the vision of the District to become the most effective and efficient local governance unit and promote local development for the people.

He then promised to continue with the good works that had started in line with the vision of the President for the benefit of the people of Binduri and stressed the need for Assembly members to perform their roles effectively to ensure the assemblies functioned accordingly.


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